Taking Care of your Taxes, so you don’t have to

New Era Tax & Accounting was established in August 2007 by Enzo Paredes in response for “real world” professional and reliable tax planning for small business owners and corporations. Currently New Era Tax & Accounting serves small business owners and Corporations to help them keep more of their hard-earned money and to stay in compliance as a corporation with the ever-changing codes and regulations made by the various “alphabet” agencies (you know IRS, FTB, EDD, SBOE). This way they can have the necessary peace of mind to get back to what they do best, which is running their business.

In 2002 Mr. Paredes joined several different tax franchises and firms. He quickly learned that there was a total lack of the personal relationship and accountability, especially with the small business owner. For most accounting professionals, the relationship was nothing more than a yearly fee.  There was no sense of educating the client and proactively helping them save more of their money–money which they could reinvest in their business and personal finances for the well-being of their family.

In 2006 Mr. Paredes joined the TaxSmart University family where he finally found the tools and education necessary to help his Private Firm of growing clientele to keep more of their money through effective tax planning instead of overpaying the government taxes (so that they can use it for those BIG company bailouts).

New Era Tax & Accounting is a designated TaxSmart America Business Center. This means that Enzo spends a minimum of 150-250 hours per year of classroom education on both personal and business tax planning. As a “TaxSmart America Business Center”, he has a support system of a variety of specialists to which he can turn should he need additional support in helping his clients. Enzo belongs to a select group of tax professionals who have all earned the designation of calling their practices a “TaxSmart America Business Center”. This designation was earned through intense education of advanced taxation.  All that is required is 20 hours per year of continued education–but, as mentioned above, Enzo generally completes 200+ hours per year.

All this puts New Era Tax & Accounting clients at the forefront of protecting themselves from the tax code, and ensures that they hear regularly from Enzo and staff about cash-flow issues, marketing, sales and management–all through a friendly, conversational touch that is rare in the accounting and tax industry.

Tell Me More

Dear Friend,

I hope you’ll forgive me for being blunt.

I am Enzo Paredes, I’m a Tax Professional and realize that you may not be used to seeing a tax professional talk like this. It’s not my intention to offend (I’m actually being very careful with my words–I am a tax professional, after all).

But I think you’ll agree that the times we’re currently facing require a little straight talk.

Here’s a certain truth: the State and Federal Government would love to have more of your hard-earned money in their accounts. Sure, even though it’s painful, none of us begrudge paying our legal and fair share of taxes. But the problem is that regular taxpayers, like you, are missing out on legal and safe deductions, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars in unclaimed refunds every year!

As a tax professional, it truly breaks my heart, knowing that just a few thousand, or even a few hundred bucks for us “regular guys” out of that vast pool of overcharging could make a world of difference–and they are just sitting there, unclaimed! And with the economy we’re facing now…it’s essential that the “right” professional handles your taxes and other financial matters.

You see, all tax professionals are not the same. From the “discount” chains (notice the quotes) to classic accounting firms, most fly through tax season in a disorganized mess–bleary-eyed and hopped-up on caffeine. It’s no wonder that they treat you like a number and lapse into excuses and tax-talk. (I told you that I would be blunt.)

I’ve put more of my thoughts on these matters in free reports:

Click Here For Our 2019 Free Reports

Click the button on this page to request either of these free reports from us, and we’ll rush your copy to you immediately.

Feel free to poke around our site and discover why I’ve been called “The Most Trusted Tax Professional in the Chatsworth Area.”

Talk again soon,

Enzo Paredes, Tax Professional

PS–When you grab either of these free reports, we’ll also add you to our weekly email series on “Real World” Strategy (for individuals). Our readers enthusiastically forward these to their friends and peers all the time, and they’re not your standard “tax tips”.

PPS–Already ready to come in? I don’t blame you…many folks are fed up with the other options out there. Our schedule is very full…but if you call us at (818) 435-2321 or Email Us, we’ll give you two options for coming in right away! We will NOT make dealing with a tax professional as painful as it’s been in the past!

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