Part of me can’t believe that I’m taking the time to write this, here on Monday morning the 14th (the day before the filing deadline for taxpayers and for we Chatsworth, CA tax professionals!).
But I also know if I don’t do it now, this tax season having been so full … well, I’ll admit that we can anticipate a bit of a break being needed come Wednesday for ol’ Team Enzo Paredes :).
And, of course, the other part of me (the wiser part) says: “Enzo, helping Chatsworth, CA area people with their taxes is only the means to a greater end: enabling your clients to live richer lives, without having to fret about the details.”
My relationship with you is worth the time investment (and more).
But that said, I wanted to take the time today, even in the midst of all of the intensity around here, to say this:
We are extremely grateful for your trust and for the chance you’ve given us to serve you in getting this necessary — and often painful — civic task handled well. I am fully aware that you and your family have plenty of choices here in Chatsworth, CA about who you choose to trust with your sensitive financial details.
And we don’t take it lightly. THANK YOU.
Perhaps I should also thank the federal government for creating a tax system so frustratingly complex and counterintuitive for many Chatsworth, CA families that it has provided myself and those who work for me with gainful employment.
But leaving my own personal circumstances aside, I’d be thrilled if our tax system was much simpler.
But it isn’t simple — and as I’ve often said, it is far better to live in the reality of what *is* (and work to make positive change), than to simply moan about a problem that is larger than what any one person can change.
Preparing tax returns is like that — it is dealing with what *is* — not with what “could be”.Which is why tax PLANNING will be the subject of a few of my Notes in the future.
And one other thing: If you have filed your taxes with us would you…
A) Write me and tell me your honest words about it? If it was positive, I’d love to hear specifics — and if not positive, I definitely still want to hear about it!
B) Share us on YOUR Facebook wall…?
Here’s something you can say:
“I had my taxes prepared by Enzo Paredes’s team, and had a great experience. And even now, they’re willing to review your tax return to make sure that everything was done right for you … Give them a call at: (818)435-2321 and let them know I told you to call.” Join us on Facebook:
Or some such… thanks again!
Lastly, I hope you’ll forgive me for taking a break from writing you a Personal Strategy Note for this week … I’m not sure that if I did so, anything besides numbers and spreadsheets would come out. It’s amazing what 4 months of staring at government forms does to a brain!
But hey — this is what we signed up for.
We will be in touch again soon. That’s assuming this caffeine hangover should ever release me from its grip, of course!
Enzo Paredes