‘A Tough Situation Can Get Worse’ Says Northridge Accountant

Firstly, I’m here to offer you a friendly reminder: Sunday is Mother’s Day. Do with this reminder what you will :). And speaking of moms, if you’ve ever spoken with friends who have had to place their parents into a care facility, you know how difficult the process can be. I was once asked to weigh in on how to … Read More

‘A Tough Situation Can Get Worse’ Says Northridge Accountant

Northridge Accountant answers: ‘What Now?’

The dust is truly beginning to settle around our Northridge, CA tax preparation offices after our very busy TY2011 tax season (ok, maybe that’s just pollen). Regardless, we’re beginning the process of serving you during the “off season”, and evaluating how things went. To that end, I’ve got ONE BIG FAVOR TO ASK: (If you haven’t already done so) Would … Read More

Northridge Accountant answers: ‘What Now?’

Northridge Accountant Explains How To “Reclaim Control Over Your Taxes – Even Old Returns”

Part of me can’t believe that I’m taking the time to write this post, here, Monday morning the 16th (the day before the filing deadline). But I also know if I don’t do it now, this tax season having been so full … well, I’ll admit that we can anticipate a bit of a break being needed come Wednesday :). … Read More

Northridge Accountant Explains How To “Reclaim Control Over Your Taxes – Even Old Returns”

Northridge Accountant Discusses “Freedom From Taxes”

It’s the final week of tax season, and our office here in Northridge, CA is hopping! Which isn’t to say that I don’t have the time to step away for a moment and write to you, my friend (if you have all your papers in, and are waiting for our completion — fear not! My team is hard at work, … Read More

Northridge Accountant Discusses “Freedom From Taxes”

Northridge Accountant Explains “Why You Pay Too Much In Taxes”

We’re rounding third base, and headed towards the “home plate” of April 17th, and the resultant END of “tax season”. This has already been one of our best tax seasons yet  — not just because we’ve seen so many new Northridge, CA tax preparation clients added to the “Paredes office family”, but because of the stories we’ve been privileged to … Read More

Northridge Accountant Explains “Why You Pay Too Much In Taxes”

“Our Clients Are Afflicted With Madness” Says Northridge Accountant

Our clients here in Northridge, CA are afflicted with “March Madness”, along with the rest of the country, it seems. Unfortunately, this little national hoops holiday isn’t one which my Northridge, CA tax preparation staff and I get much chance to participate in. We’re too busy doing your taxes! Yep, this is close to our busiest time of the year, … Read More

“Our Clients Are Afflicted With Madness” Says Northridge Accountant

Northridge Tax Preparer Making Sure You Won’t Get Audited

I haven’t been paying too close attention (we have been a little busy around here!), but I was sent this priceless little nugget about the Republican primaries recently… You see, Rick Santorum recently released his tax returns. They’re nothing special, he’s doing quite well, but he is an ex-Senator so that’s no surprise. But here’s what I thought was interesting: … Read More

Northridge Tax Preparer Making Sure You Won’t Get Audited

This Is The Last Week …

"Life consists not in holding good cards but in playing those you hold well." – Josh Billings I woke up Monday morning, after the wonderful holiday weekend … and I had a realization: after today, there are only FIVE days left in 2011. Perhaps not a genius realization — fine. BUT, if you’re smart about how you handle these days, … Read More

This Is The Last Week …

“My Holiday Prayer” Northridge Accountant Explains

"People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the seas, at the long course of the rivers, at the vast compass of the ocean, at the circular motion of the stars, and yet they pass by themselves without wondering." -St. Augustine It seems that every year around this time that we tax professionals … Read More

“My Holiday Prayer” Northridge Accountant Explains

Northridge Accountant: “I’m A Myth-Buster”

"If you love life, don’t waste time, for time is what life is made up of." – Bruce Lee Scattershooting around the tax world while simultaneously preparing for a sure-to-be-busier tax season (thanks for all the recent referrals — keep ’em coming!) AND navigating the perils of another holiday season … well, it means one busy Enzo! Seriously, we’re getting … Read More

Northridge Accountant: “I’m A Myth-Buster”